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originally addressed, St. Paul may have modified his style accordingly; and (3.) That on the style of St. Paal, as on that of other authors, a considerable change may have passed in the course of an interval of years.

Although, in the present Commentary, I have refrained from dogmatically speaking of St. Paul as the human author of the Epistle, I hold the evidence now so slightly glanced at amply sufficient to prove that it is the production of that great apostle. The question is discussed, with admirable learning, comprehensiveness, and candour, by the late Moses Stuart of Andover, in the Introduction to his Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews. I agree with the same erudite author in holding that several references in the Epistle itself go far to establish, that it was addressed to Jews residing in Palestine while the service of the Temple was still observed.

It is in accordance with the suggestion of friends, and at the solicitation of an intelligent and esteemed member of my Congregation — who has interested himself in the matter to an extent which calls for my warm acknowledgements — that I have consented to publish on this noble Book of the New Testament. I recently lectured on it in the course of my ordinary ministrations; and the Commentary which I now permit to see the light is, to a great extent, the substance of what was addressed, from week to week, to my own flock. Into the printed work, however, I have considered it reasonable and right to introduce a few short