Page:Across Thibet Vol. 2.djvu/243

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Across Thibet.



Tokta, a village siiiger, I. 118, 119 ; playing

the allah-rabdd, 132, 146; 170. TomtiU, I. 36. Tonquin, Route from Paris to, L 2; 7, 111 ;

reception of the traTeUen at, II. 219. Tools used in an iron manufactory, II. 161. Torgots, The, I. 27, 30, 32 ; their descent,

3.1 ; 36 ; photographed by Prince Henry,

38; 39. 161. Tougrak Woods of, I. 62; sap of, used as

soap, 67. Touia KuiruJt, I. 38.

Tsaidam, The, I. 6, 111, 116, 166: II. 77. Tranitmignition of the soul, I. U, 30; II, 99. Tsakma, Valley of the, I. 19, 23. Tsatang, II. 95.

Triamdo, II. 105, 118, 149, 167, 195. Twng KaU, I. 31 : II. 80. Tsong li Yamon, The, at Pekin, I. 6. T8onk6, II. 173. Tson-ron River, II. 173. Tumblers, Thibetan, II. 135. Turfau, I. 89. Turkestan, Chinese, I. 2. Turkoetan, Russian, I. 4, 52. Turks, Fine specimens of, I. 3. Turnip, or nioumoy II. 115, 143.

Uglint-ss of Thibetans, II. 2, 6.

Ulcers, I. 100.

Urumtsi, Highway of, I. 120.

Tlnicom, Reputed existence of the, II. 68.

Ural Mountains, I. 3.

Uzbegs, The, I. 3, 40.

Valley of bones. A, I. 206.

Valleys of (Tiina, I. 2.

Vase made from a yak's skull, II. 23.

Violets, II. 155.

Volcanoes, The Reclus, 1. 187, 188 ; the Ruys-

bruk, or Rubruquis, 194, 198; cones of

seveml, 198. Volga, The. I. 3, 35. Vultures, II. 35.

Water-canierB, 11. 77, 78.

Water-mill, A Thibetan, II. 191.

Water-fowl, I. 68, 83, 88.

•« Wave* of mountains," I. 204.

WeUs from the Aryk, I. 118.

Wheat at Aktarma, I. 65.

Wild Camels, I. 82, 87.

Wilderness of mountains. A, I. 198-218.

Willows, I. 12, 20, 38; II. 166.

Windmills, Praying, II. 143.

Wives, Abandonment of, by Mussulmans, I. 9.

Wolves, I. 25, 67, 136, 188, 199, 210; II. 31,

93, 101, 163. Women ; their ugliness amongst the Mongols,

I. 19; II. 24, 28; at Kourla, I. 52; of Abdallah, 84, 105 ; amongst shepherd tribes, II. 94; smearing their faces with butter, 96, 117 ; assisting in building, 112; filthiness of, 117; orna- ments of, 124, 139; as beggars, 126; laborious life of, 127, 133; as field labourers, 141, 164; as yak-drivers, 160; near Taro, 173; dancing near Batang, 199, 200.

Yakoob-Bog, the ** blessed one," 1. 40; poisoned at Kourla, 41; 57, 68, 61 ; fortress con- structed by, 72.

Yaks, I. 149, 166, 175, 194 ; enormous speci- mens of, 200 ; 205 ; an ancient specimen, 206; 212, 215; II. 8, 47, 94; breaking through the ice, 95 ; 101 ; falling over a precipice, 103 ; in inaccessible places, 116.

Yandachkak, I. 131.

Yang-tse-Kiang, Probable sources of, I. 208 ;

II. 194, 195.

Y'angi Koul, I. 65 ; characteristics of the in- habitants of, 66.

Y'sntag, I. 36, 38.

" Yourt," Remains of a Thibetan, I. 210.

Youtchap Khan, CTiaracteristics of the inhabit- ants of , 1.91.

Yulduz, The, I. 20. 28, 30.

Yunnan, II. 123, 196, 212.

Wagner, M., French Consul at Shanghai, 11. Zakiste-gol, The, I. 30.

Zamba, II. 26,41.

21i Wagtails, I. 35.

Zetehou River, II. 152.

Prixted bv Cassell & Compaxy, Limitbd, La Belle Saivaoe, Luwiate Hill, London, E.C.

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