Page:Across the sub-Arctics of Canada (1897).djvu/283

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39. Oxytropis campestris, L., var. cærulea to me], Koch.—B.

Ashe Inlet, on the north shore of Hudson Strait.

40. Oxytropis leucantha, Pers.—B.

Telzoa River, between Shultz and Baker lakes. Mouth of Chesterfield Inlet. Fort Churchill.

41. Hedysarum boreale, Nutt.—B.

Loudon Rapids, above the Forks of Telzoa River.

42. Hedysarum Mackenzii, Richard, L.—B. W.

Fort Churchill. Ashe Inlet, on the north side of Hudson Strait.


43. Prunus Pennsylvanica, L.—W.

North-west angle of Lake Athabasca. Esker, near Narrows of Daly Lake.

44. Rubus chamæmorus, L.—W. B.

Fort Churchill. Common in swampy places from Lake Athabasca northward to the edge of the woods. Grove on the north shore of Carey Lake, and at Loudon Rapids, near the Forks of Telzoa River. It was also found at Ashe Inlet, on the north side of Hudson Strait.

45. Rubus articus, L., var. grandiflorus, Lebeb.—W.

North shore of Lake Athabasca. Barlow Lake. North shore of Carey Lake. Fort Churchill.

46. Rubus strigosus, Michx.—W.

Banks of Stone River. In an isolated grove of white spruce on the north shore of Carey Lake. This would seem to have been an isolated locality, at some considerable distance north of its general northern limit.

47. Dryas integrifolia, Vahl.—B.

Carey Lake. Limestone Island, in Nicholson Lake. West shore of Tobaunt Lake. Loudon Rapids, above the Forks of Telzoa River. Fort Churchill. Ashe Inlet, on the north shore of Hudson Strait.

48. Fragaria Canadensis, Michx.—W.

North shore of Lake Athabasca and Woodcock Portage, on Stone River.

This species, which has usually been confounded with F. Virginiana, was also collected in the same year by Miss Taylor at Fort Smith, on Slave River. 49. Potentilla Norvegica, L.—W.

Woodcock Portage, on Stone River. Red Hill, on the west shore of Hinde Lake.