Page:Acts, Resolutions and Memorials, Adopted by the First Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Arizona.djvu/26

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Laws of Arizona.

An Act

Declaring Certain Routes as a County Road in the Territory of Arizona.

Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Arizona:—

Sec. 1. That the road or route known as the Woolsey trail, beginning at the town of Prescott, thence continuing in a north-easterly direction a distance of twenty-five miles to the Agua Frio Ranch; from thence continuing in a southerly course to Big Bug Creek; from thence down said stream in a south-easterly course to Slate Creek; thence southerly to Black Canon or the new mines; thence continuing southerly to Bird Springs, and thence to Casa Blanca or Pima Villages—shall be declared by the passage of this act a county road, free for all intents and purposes therein required.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted that said route or road shall not be subject to incorporation by any person or persons as a private toll-road for the period of one year from the passage of this bill.
Approved October 24, 1864.

An Act

For the Benefit of Elliott Coues.

Whereas, Elliott Coues, of the third judicial district, was legally married to one Sarah A. Richardson, and notwithstanding the strongest legal causes exist for annulling said marriage, there is no law of divorce existing in this Territory:—

Therefore, Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Arizona:—

Sec. 1. That the bonds of matrimony heretofore contracted and existing between the said Elliott Coues and Sarah A. Richardson be, and they are hereby declared annulled and absolutely dissolved, and that the said Elliott Coues have the privilege of marrying again.

Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.
Approved October 24, 1864.

An Act

Empowering the Governor to Appoint a Commissioner to Draft a Map of the Territory.

Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Arizona:—

Sec. 1. That the Governor is hereby authorized and empowered to appoint a suitable and competent person, and commission the same, to col-