Page:Acts, Resolutions and Memorials, Adopted by the First Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Arizona.djvu/30

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Laws of Arizona.

peace in any township or district through which the line of said road may pass, that any portion of said road is not in a safe and passable condition for wagons and vehicles, and that said unsafe condition ensues from neglect of said company to keep the road in repair, the said justice shall summon the said company or its agents to appear before him, at any time appointed by him not more than ten days from the day of complaint; and if it shall appear that said complaint is true, judgment shall be rendered against said company as defendants for the costs of proceedings, and no tolls shall thereafter be collected by said company or its agents until said road is again put in repair and rendered safe for the passage of wagons and vehicles.

Sec. 12. That the rates of toll contained in section two shall be plainly printed, and posted in a conspicuous place at each toll-gate on the road, and be maintained at all times in a legible condition.

Sec. 13. That all persons exhibiting a certificate from any commissioned officer of the Territory that they are in the militia service of the Territory, shall be exempt from the payment of tolls on said road.

Sec. 14. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.
Approved October 28, 1864.

An Act

Granting the Exclusive Right to Samuel Todd and his Associates and Successors, to maintain and keep a Ferry across the Colorado River at Mojave.

Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Arizona:—

Sec. 1. The exclusive right to keep and operate a ferry across the waters of the Colorado River at any and every point between what is known as Mojave City, and a point five miles above, measured by the meanderings of the river, and five miles below Mojave City, in this Territory, is hereby granted to Samuel Todd and his associates and successors for the term of five years, with the privileges, and subject to the conditions prescribed by this act.

Sec. 2. So long, not exceeding five years, as the said Samuel Todd or his associates or successors shall maintain and operate a good, safe, and substantial ferry between the points aforesaid, they shall be authorized to charge, demand, and collect, the following rates of toll, namely:—For a wagon and two animals, three dollars and fifty cents; for every additional two, seventy-five cents; for every carriage with one animal, two dollars and seventy-five cents; for every beast of burden, seventy-five cents; for every horse or mule with its rider, one dollar; for every footman, thirty-seven and a half cents; for every head of loose cattle, horses, mules, or jacks, thirty-seven and a half cents; for every hog, sheep, or goat, twelve and a half cents.

Sec. 3. Upon and after the passage of this franchise, the said Samuel Todd and his associates and successors shall be held and obliged to keep