Page:Acts, Resolutions and Memorials, Adopted by the First Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Arizona.djvu/42

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Laws of Arizona.

An Act

Granting the Exclusive Right to William D. Bradshaw and his Associates to maintain and keep a Ferry across the Colorado River at La Paz.

Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Arizona:—

Sec. 1. The exclusive right to keep and operate a ferry across the waters of the Colorado River at any and every point between what is known as Mineral City and a point five miles above La Paz, in this Territory, is hereby granted to William D. Bradshaw and his associates and successors for the term of twenty years, with the privileges and subject to the conditions prescribed by this act.

Sec. 2. So long, not exceeding twenty years, as the said William D. Bradshaw, or his associates or successors, shall maintain and operate a good, safe, and sufficient ferry between the points aforesaid, they shall be authorized to charge, demand, and collect the following rates of toll, viz.:
For a wagon and two animals, four dollars; for every additional two, one dollar;
For every carriage with one animal, three dollars;
For every beast of burden, one dollar;
For every horse or mule with its rider, one dollar;
For every footman, fifty cents;
For every head of loose cattle, horses, mules or jacks, fifty cents;
For every hog, sheep, or goat, twenty-five cents.

Sec. 3. Upon and after the passage of this act, the said William D. Bradshaw, and his associates and successors, shall be held and obliged to keep said ferry in a good, safe, and sufficient order and condition for use, both night and day; they shall keep a competent ferryman, who shall transport travellers and stock across said Colorado River promptly when thereunto requested, at all hours of day or night.

Sec. 4. Should the said William D. Bradshaw, and his associates and successors, neglect or refuse to keep said ferry in the condition prescribed by this act, complaint may be made before any court of competent jurisdiction in the precinct or county in which said ferry may be situated, by any person making affidavit to the same, when it shall be the duty of such judge or magistrate to summon said William D. Bradshaw, and his associates and successors, or agent, to appear before him within five days after such complaint shall be made; and if it shall appear after due investigation that such neglect or refusal to comply with the provisions of this act is without good and sufficient cause, then William D. Bradshaw, and his associates or successors, shall be liable for all damages resulting therefrom, and forfeit all rights and privileges conferred by this act, until the provisions thereof are complied with.

Sec. 5. The Legislature of the Territory or State, as the case may be, reserves the right to repeal or change this act, and alter the rates of ferriage granted thereby at any time after its passage.

Sec. 6. This act shall not be construed to affect the right of Pauline Weaver, to assert and prove his claim, if he have any, to the above-described ferry, at the next session of the Legislative Assembly of Arizona, or