Page:Acts, Resolutions and Memorials, Adopted by the First Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Arizona.djvu/49

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Laws of Arizona.

Indian War Loan.

Bond No....


day of a. d. 186—

Twenty years after date the Territory of Arizona promises to pay to the order of the Governor of the Territory Dollars, with interest at the rate of ten per cent. per annum from date, payable annually at the capital of the Territory, for value received, interest and principal payable in gold.


............Secretary of the Territory.

Sec. 3. All such bonds shall be signed by the treasurer with his proper name, affixing his official character thereunto, which shall bind the Territory for the said bond so signed under the provisions of this chapter. The said bonds shall be endorsed by the Governor of the Territory with his proper name and affixing his official character thereto; and the Secretary of the Territory shall countersign the same with his proper name, affixing his official character thereto; and said bonds shall be authenticated with the great seal of the Territory of Arizona. The coupons or certificates for the payment of the interest, shall be attached to said bonds in such manner that they may be taken off without injuring or mutilating the bonds, being severally numbered from one to twenty inclusive, each bearing the corresponding number of the bond to which they are attached, and shall be signed by the treasurer of the Territory. It shall be the duty of the secretary of the Territory, after so countersigning said bonds, to make a register of the same with the number and amount thereof, and deliver the same to the Territorial treasurer, charging him with the amount. The treasurer also shall keep a register of said bonds, and shall deliver the same, or such part of the same as he may deem expedient, to the board of Territorial commissioners for sale or negotiation, taking their receipt therefor. The amounts received for such bonds negotiated, and bonds returned by the board of Territorial commissioners, shall be placed to the credit of said board of Territorial commissioners, to be applied solely to Indian war purposes.

Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the board of Territorial commissioners, on or before the fifteenth day of June, a. d. 1865, to make to the board of Territorial auditors a report in full of all the bonds sold or negotiated, the number of the same, to whom and for what amount sold; also the number and amounts of all bonds returned, if such there be, setting forth in full in said report each and every item that may be necessary for a final settlement between the board of Territorial auditors and said board of Territorial commissioners as regards the sale and negotiation of said bonds, and prior to the deposit of the proceeds of the same with the Territorial treasurer.

Sec. 5. It shall be lawful for the board of Territorial commissioners or any member of said board to draw upon the Territorial treasury at any time after the issue or negotiation of said bonds, drafts payable in gold coin for the payment of companies of rangers, upon the affidavits of the captains of said companies, stating the place or localities where their services have been rendered, the work performed, the kind, amount, and character of the success achieved, which affidavits shall be the vouchers of said