Page:Acts, Resolutions and Memorials, Adopted by the First Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Arizona.djvu/57

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Laws of Arizona.

An Act

To Provide for the Payment of Certain Expenses incurred in the late Indian Campaign under Lieut.-Colonel King S. Woolsey.

Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Arizona:—

Sec. 1. That the Board of Territorial Auditors be authorized to audit the claims of Ammi M. White, Richard C. McCormick, P. McCannon, and Thomas Hodges, for money and supplies furnished for the late Indian campaign conducted by the citizens of this Territory, and to draw warrants on the Territorial treasury in favor of such persons, for such amounts as may be due them therefor, not exceeding in the aggregate fourteen hundred and eighty-seven dollars, and that the Territorial Treasurer be authorized to pay the same from the funds provided for the payment of the contingent expenses of the Territory.

Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.
Approved November 9, 1864.

An Act

To Incorporate the Arizona Railway Company.

Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Arizona:—

Sec. 1. That John N. Goodwin, Richard C. McCormick, M. O. Davidson, Samuel F. Butterworth, Henry Sage, J. Henry Puleston, Rufus F. Andrews, Royal H. Waller, Robert Soutter, and their associates and successors, and the persons who may become the owners of the shares herein authorized to be issued, be and they are hereby made a body corporate, under the name and style of the Arizona Railway Company, in which name they may have perpetual succession, and may purchase, hold, and acquire, by any lawful means, estate real and personal, and the same may use, sell, lease, let, mortgage, transfer, and convey, and otherwise may dispose of, and may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, contract and be contracted with, and have and use a common seal, and the same may change at pleasure and make all by-laws and regulations for the government of their affairs, and use all the rights, powers, and privileges which are or may be necessary for them to have and use as a company incorporated for the purposes herein stated.

Sec. 2. That the purpose of this act is to organize a company and to incorporate the same, with authority, which is hereby granted to said company, to construct and maintain railway and telegraph lines, commencing at such point or points on the southern boundary line as they may select and determine as the most suitable for connecting with a proposed railroad from Guayamas and other Pacific ports, and running northerly along the Santa Cruz valley to or by the town of Tubac to the town of Tucson, thence westerly on the main road, known as the “overland,” to or near the Picacho, thence north-west over a route to be selected to the town of La Paz, or to a point that it may intersect with a road running east and west or across the Territory and hereinafter provided for in this act; and said company