Page:Acts, Resolutions and Memorials, Adopted by the First Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Arizona.djvu/60

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Laws of Arizona.

2. For each vehicle drawn by one animal, three cents per mile; and for each additional animal, one cent per mile.
3. For each horse, mule, or other animal and rider, two cents per mile.
4. For each pack animal, one cent per mile.
5. For each head of loose stock in droves, one-half of one cent per mile.
6. For each head of sheep, goats, or hogs, one-eighth of one cent per mile.
7. No tolls shall be collected from any foot passengers, or from Indians, unless they be employed in driving stock or teams for persons liable to pay tolls, as provided in the foregoing divisions of this section.

Sec. 3. That said company shall expend within one year from and after the passage of this act, one thousand dollars, and shall complete said road before the expiration of three years from the first day of January, a. d. 1865, and before any tolls shall be collected for travel thereon.

Sec. 4. That the company shall have the right of way over the public lands along the line of their road, and no person or persons, or body corporate, shall hold or maintain any toll-road at any point along the route of said road nearer than five miles to the same; said company may occupy, purchase, and own such amounts of lands at different points on the line of said road, and at the termini of said road, as the legitimate business and purpose of maintaining said road shall require, not exceeding in all sixteen hundred acres; said company shall have the right of way over lands of private individuals, using therefor one track only, not more than fifty feet wide; and if the compensation or damages to be paid therefor cannot be settled by agreement of the parties, the same shall be determined by the judge of probate of the county in which the land lies, upon complaint to him setting forth the facts.

Sec. 5. No tolls or charges shall be made or collected by said company for travel on said road, until said road shall have been examined by a commissioner, to be appointed by the governor of the Territory, who is hereby authorized to appoint a disinterested person for such purpose, on receipt from the company of a petition praying therefor, and who shall have reported in writing to the governor what amount has been expended, and what improvements have been made thereon, and whether said company have complied with the provisions of this act; and the governor, on receipt of a favorable report from said commissioner, shall have made a certificate of the fact to said company, authorizing the company to collect tolls on said road; and the governor shall communicate all said papers to the Legislative Assembly at its next session thereafter.

Sec. 6. The proceedings referred to in section five, may be had at any time when that portion of said road, between any two points mentioned, shall have been completed, and the company desire to open such portion of the road for travel.

Sec. 7. No tolls or charges shall be collected for any water or grass used by man or beast along the line of said road, from any person travelling thereon; and unless the requirements of section five of this act be complied with, this act shall become null, and all the rights and privileges herein granted shall be forfeited by said company.

Sec. 8. If any person shall neglect, or refuse, to pay the toll authorized by this act, when demanded by any person authorized to collect the same,