Page:Acts, Resolutions and Memorials, Adopted by the First Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Arizona.djvu/70

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Laws of Arizona.

Joint Resolution

Instructions to the Honorable Charles D. Poston, concerning Arms and Mail Routes with Postal Service.

Be it resolved by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Arizona:—

1. That the Hon. Charles D. Poston, our delegate to the Congress of the United States, be instructed and requested to use every effort in his power to procure from the general government five hundred stand of Springfield rifled muskets, calibre 58, of the latest improved quality, with their equipments and fixed ammunition, sufficient for the purpose of arming and equipping a battalion of Arizona rangers, for active service against the Apaches and other hostile Indian tribes in this Territory.

2. That he be instructed and requested to procure the establishment of the following mail routes, with weekly postal service on each:—1st. From Mesilla, via Tucson, Casa Blanca, and Agua Caliente, to La Paz, in coaches. 2d. From Tucson, via Tubac, to Patagonia Mines. 3d. From Tubac, via Cerro Colorado, Fresnal, and Bababi, to Tucson. 4th. From Casa Blanca, via Weaver, Walnut Grove, and Upper Hassayampa, to Prescott. 5th. From Prescott to La Paz, in coaches. 6th. From La Paz, via Williamsport, Castle Dome City, Laguna, and Arizona City, to Fort Yuma. 7th. From La Paz to Los Angeles, in coaches. 8th. From Prescott to Mohave City, in coaches. 9th. From Mohave City to Los Angeles, via San Bernardino, in coaches. 10th. From Mohave City, via Aubry, to La Paz. 11th. From Mohave City, via Santa Clara, to Fillmore City, in the Territory of Utah. 12. From Albuquerque, New Mexico, to Prescott, in coaches.

3. That a copy of these instructions be forwarded immediately to the Honorable Charles D. Poston, by the Secretary of the Territory.
Approved November 7, 1864.

Joint Resolution.

Instructing the Honorable Charles D. Poston to urge the Congress of the United States to appoint Commissioners to Survey and Establish the Boundary Line between Nevada, Utah, and Colorado Territories and Arizona.

Whereas, The settlements of Santa Clara and Saint George, on the Rio Virgen, contain a population of some five hundred inhabitants, and are now claimed and submit to the jurisdiction of the Territory of Utah; and, whereas, it is believed that said settlements are south of the 37th degree of north latitude, and within the Territory of Arizona; and, whereas the rapid settlement of this Territory, along and near its boundary lines, in connection with the known rich mineral and agricultural wealth, make the question of civil jurisdiction one of delicacy and vexation, only to be obviated by speedily locating and marking permanently such boundaries; therefore,

Be it resolved by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Arizona:—

1. That the Honorable Charles D. Poston, our delegate in Congress, be and is hereby respectfully requested to urge the Congress of the United