Page:Adama Mickiewicza Konrad Wallenrod i Grazyna.djvu/203

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ges scrutinized the cause; but there were neither debates nor consultations. All were silent;—occasionally a glance of eye or a nod of the head betrayed only some profound and threatening thought. Each of them in his turn approached the throne, and, turning over with his dagger the leaves of the book, read in silence the statutes of the Order, and consulted but his own conscience.

Afterwards they all put their hands upon their hearts and unanimously exclaimed. "Woe!" and the walls thrice echoed "Woe!"

In this single word was the whole sentence. The judges understood it;—they lifted up their twelve swords, all intended to be against the breast of Conrad;—then they separated;—and the vaults once again repeated, "Woe!"