Page:Adams - Essays in Modernity.djvu/228

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the Departmental Ditties (also supplemented, as we have seen, by a liberal supply of 'Other Verses,' good, bad, and indifferent) arrived to remove the last effects of that chill by the creation of the sense of perspective; and now it appears to me no longer strange that the man who wrote 'Fuzzy-Wuzzy,' 'Gunga Din,' and 'Mandalay,' wrote also 'Evarra and his Gods' and 'The Sacrifice of Er-Heb' (candour urges me to confess that I have not yet been able to read this poem in its entirety) and 'The Explanation,' any more than it should be strange that the same man should have given us, with (apparently) a serious face, 'The Drums of the Fore and Aft,' 'At the Pit's Mouth,' 'The Courting of Dinah Shadd,' as well as 'The Incarnation of Krishna Mulvaney,' 'Namgay Doola,' and 'The Lang Men o' Larut.'