Page:Adapting and Writing Language Lessons.pdf/14

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Maria Chapira of the Center for Curriculum Development;

J. Donald Bowen of U.C.L.A., his students Julie Goldberg, Alice Parker Johnson, Antoine Nteziryayo, Sandy Plann and William Wong, and a number of others who are anonymous, for an extraordinarily helpful set of criticisms.

Most of the above-named people also commented on other parts of the manuscript in addition to Chapter 3.

Helpful suggestions regarding other sections of the report came from:

Marianne Adams, Madeline E. Ehrman, James R. Frith, Margaret Omar and Allen I. Weinstein of the Foreign Service Institute;

Claudia P. Wilds of the Center for Applied Linguistics;

Howard McKaughan of the University of Hawaii;

James Karambelas, teacher of Russian at the Pingry School;

Many participants in the Language Coordinators Workshop conducted by the Language Research Foundation in Rockport, Massachusetts, in the Spring of 1970;

H. David McClure, recently returned from two years as language training specialist for the Peace Corps in Sierra Leone;

Albert R. Wight, of the Center for Research and Education;

The principal ideas of this book were further tested in two workshops in New Jersey: one at Fairleigh Dickinson University arranged by Sr. Margherita Marchione and Guillermo del Olmo, and one at Glassboro State College arranged by Jacqueline Benevento, both under the auspices of the New Jersey Foreign Language Teachers Association;

Some of the ideas for augmenting Spanish Programmatic Course grew out of a visit to the Peace Corps training center in Ponce, Puerto Rico, under the direction of Ron Schwartz.

Sources of materials for adaptation, or of major contributions to the project itself, were:
