Page:Administration of Muslim Law (Haj) Rules 1999.pdf/2

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S 406/99

18. Offences
The Schedule

In exercise of the powers conferred by sections 88B and 88C (2) (b), (c), (d), (e) and (f) of the Administration of Muslim Law Act, the Majlis Ugama Islam, Singapura, with the approval of the Minister for Community Development, hereby makes the following Rules:


Citation and commencement

1. These Rules may be cited as the Administration of Muslim Law (Haj) Rules 1999 and shall come into operation on 27th September 1999.


2. In these Rules, unless the context otherwise requires—

"accredited mutawwif" means a person accredited by the Majlis to act as a mutawwif and who has in force a certificate issued by the Majlis under rule 14 (3);

"approved travel agent" means a travel agent who has obtained the approval of the Majlis under rule 3 (5) to provide goods or services to any person for the purposes of the Haj;

"certificate" means a certificate of accreditation issued by the Majlis under rule 14 (3);

"Haj course" means any training or course relating to the rituals and other procedures required for performing the Haj in accordance with Muslim law;

"travel agent" means a person who holds a licence granted under the Travel Agents Act (Cap. 334).