Page:Admonition against Profane and Common Swearing.djvu/7

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againſt Swearing.

World, much leſs to mix it daily and hourly (as the common Swearers do) with their Sports and Paſſions, their Riots and Exceſſes.

2. The ſame Thing is to be ſaid of the Name of Jeſus Chriſt, the Son of God, and the Saviour of Mankind; concerning whom the Scriptures declare, (Phil. ii. 9.) That God hath highly exalted him, and given him a Name which is above every Name; that at the Name of Jesus every Knee ſhall bow, of Things in Heaven and Things in Earth, and Things under the Earth. A Declaration that ſhould teach every Chriſtian the greateſt Reverence to that holy and bleſſed Name, through which alone he can be ſaved. And yet how little is this remembred or regarded by many careleſs and profane Chriſtians, who allow themſelves in a wicked Habit of bringing in the ſacred Name of Jesus and Christ to expreſs their Wonder, and confirm their Promiſes or Purpoſes, in the moſt ſlight and trivial Matters.

Or if they forbear to uſe the Names of God, of Jeſus, and Chriſt, they will not ſcruple to ſwear by their Maker, or
