Page:Adrift on an Ice-Pan (1909).djvu/111

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man an’ dogs on a pan an’ knowed it war th’ doctor.

“It was too dark fur we t’ go t’ un, but us never slept at all, all night. I couldn’ sleep. Us watched th’ wind an’ knew if it did n’ blow too hard us could get un,—though ’e was then three mile off a’ready. So us waited for th’ daylight. No one said who was goin’ out in th’ boat. Un ’ud say, ‘Is you goin’?’ An’ another, ‘Is you?’ I didn’ say, but I knowed what I’d do.

‘‘As soon as’t was light us went to th’ cliff wi’ th’ spy-glass to see if us could see un, but thar war n’t nothin’ in sight. Us know by the wind whar t’ look fur un, an’ us launched th’ boat. George Read an’ ’is two sons, an’ George Davis, what seen un first, an’ me, was th’ crew. George

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