Page:Adrift on an Ice-Pan (1909).djvu/114

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dogs’ bodies meltin’ it an’ ’t froze hard durin’ th’ night. ‘E was level with th’ water an’ th’ sea washin’ over us all th’ time.

“When us got near un, it didn’ seem like ’t was th’ doctor. ’E looked so old an’ ’is face such a queer color. ’E was very solemn-like when us took un an’ th’ dogs on th’ boat. No un felt like sayin’ much, an’ ’e ’ardly said nothin’ till us gave un some tea an’ loaf an’ then ’e talked. I s’pose ’e was sort o’ faint-like. Th’ first thing ’e said was, how wonderfu’ sorry ’e was o’ gettin’ into such a mess an’ givin’ we th’ trouble o’ comin’ out for un. Us tol’ un not to think o’ that; us was glad to do it for un, an’ ’e’d done it for any one o’ we, many times over if ’e ’ad th’ chance;—an’ so’e would. An’ then’e fretted

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