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hedonist pleasures and excess in consumption. Every individual is drifting towards that pattern.

Adhyaya 4

Increasingly and all over this country, people opt to send their children to schools with English as the medium of instruction. If the Indian national languages are neglected or allowed to wither away, and the young Start thinking in English, then the cultural slavery that ushers in will be more dangerous and basic than the political slavery of the past. It will cut at the very deep root level. The children’s only aim will be to get American Green Card. Indian-ness will be only restricted to ethnic fashions, . and fancy dress competitions. I Personally find this a terrible scenario. Still worse spectre that is looming before Indians is that their capacity to think independently may be extinguished.

This is the workforce ( talent Pool) that we would increasingly have on our hands, To remove this loss of Self significance Indian Managers will have to develop Techniques of Management based on the basic Indian value system. They must acquire such robust capacity to absorb the Western ideas with all their contrary assumptions and compete on the basis of their Indian responses, like Lord Mahesh who drank the poison thrown up in the churning of the cosmos and become Neela Kanth or poison bearing aspect of Mahesh. Two examples should be illustrative. Indian. Scientists have mastered the technology of Atomic Power generation and Space science without any significant foreign collaboration: on their own and with whatever morsels were made available to them from abroad. They enriched their scientific techniques and proved their Capacity to detonate a nuclear device. How to make it and use it is an option available in India. India can handle atomic energy for power generation, preservation of agricultural produce, and so many allied uses. Indian Scientists have done this on their own strength and that is why several countries are willing to collaborate with India in these fields. India is offering to launch satellites for clients abroad in commercial ventures. We acquired the Science from the West and used that knowledge for the development of our own. In the field of Information Technology, India is recognised as a power in software field. Good many students from national language medium schools are Now established as authorities in this field in the Silicon Valley. India has achieved success in the field of tocketry, space science and achieved all this on the basis of self reliance. Indian managers will have to seek Indian basis to absorb and implement Western Management concepts, or else we will remain dependent slaves of Western thought.

Japan is in the Eastern hemisphere. Buddhism has blossomed there and left a cultural continuum for us to share with these countries. Looking at them in order to see how they grapple with this western/

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