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i i t of science, and expand them. They have Not a = ee ace or in the books. With every individual, every thinker they are capable of bearing new meaning in the present situation. New ideas, and thoughts sprout. We cannot confine the growing thoughts in any book, philosophy, School, or political theory or sacred edifice. It must continue growing like a tree. In science every assumption or theory is checked in the light of new experiments, and baser part is rejected. Similarly in social science we must keep our ideas ever changing and growing. By checking the postulates of belief from time to time they too become stronger, the baser part is discarded and the original thought illuminated. Such ever-growing belief cannot break or die with passage of time.

In India worshipping idols is a common practice. The idol is a kind of medium! (made of metal, glass or mud). Idol is brought home, a life is inspired in the idol and then it is worshipped. After few days with equal devotion final puja is performed and then the idol is immersed in water. Permanency of Soul and body treated only as a garment is expressed in this practice of Idol worshipping.

Even in our present day politics from Prime Minister to Village Sarpanch or President of India to a President of an Organisation are all considered as idols. The Concept of idol is constant; the individuals occupying the posts are temporary. In idol worshipping, in inspiring life in the idol and inevitable immersion this idea of permanency of idea of God but the idol as temporary incorporation is stressed. The idea is to test and retest the ideas with changing times and idea of the one Supreme Reality is expressed in many idols in many shapes and sizes. All of them are ever-changing. Every society has some basic ideas as its basis. They come before us in various forms and garbs and that is a Part of constant flow of life. New Ravanas, new Duryodhanas and also new Shrikrishna s appear in newer and newer garbs. This changeability is the essence of Indian thought. In the field of Management every new problem has to be tackled at the roots and no such efforts are made around us at present

In Indian thought there are Four i

ideals for a Man. Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. How to decide the rig

ht path is defined in this way.

Shrutirvibhinah smrutayasya bhinnah, aaetarcagat Pea

Naiko Muniyarsya vachah Pramanam aera ferret

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