Page:Advaiti Management.pdf/41

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i it. This is not an why people work. Many good reasons will become apparen easy task. There is no ready mix like American Management or Japanese Management which will be on offer. We wilh have to work hard.

The first step will start with change from oneself. There is a lot of unknown or hidden part of our mind. We have to come out and above it. According to Western assumption, it is dark. Indian assumption is that it is sacred and lit by its own light. To reach that level there are many difficulties, hardships that will result in diversions. There are temptations galore on way. But the end is pure bliss. We have to start with the first step on the road.

There is a story from Puranas. Hiranyaksha was a demon and was harassing all people. He was not controllable by any. Everyone was at their wits end. People did not know what to do. They went to Lord Vishnu and requested him to end their plight. Lord Vishnu agreed to help the people. He decided to take the guise of a Boar. With that disguise he ended the anarchy of Hiranyaksha. All Devas in Heaven were happy. After some time they found that Lord Vishnu had not returned from the Earth. The Gods were worried. They went out to search for Lord Vishnu. They found to their surprise that Lord Vishnu was happy on the earth in the form of the Boar and he was happily living in the gutter with his newly acquired family and children. He had forgotten his origin as Lord Vishnu. The Gods were worried so they went to Lord Mahesh and requested him to help them bring back Lord Vishnu to Heaven. Lord Mahesh saw Lord Vishnu in his Boar guise. He requested him to come back to Heaven. Lord Vishnu was not ready to come back. He wanted to remain as Boar only. Then Lord Mahesh aimed an arrow at Lord Vishnu in his Boar guise. He pierced entire body by his arrow and retrieved the original Lord Vishnu in that body and then Lord Vishnu in the original form returned to Heaven.

According to Indian belief the external body of an individual is like the guise of a Boar. It enjoys living in the mud of Cravings and pleasures of the body. It is happy in the fulfilment of desires and pleasures, The internal body of that guise is the original body of Lord Vishnu. It is self- illumined. We have to keep it in mind that each one of us has this original body of Vishnu and by that way one can keep oneself and raise all his surrounding people on the higher level of fulfilment. To ignite this idea in the minds of Indian Managers that all of us are children of Light and to encourage them to travel on this desirable path is the method of Indian Darsanas. Western studies in psychology started with the patients who were mentally ill and therefore the focus started with the diseased state and then continued searching for the solutions of the problems. The body of science and theories of psychology are based on the Pathological cases.

At the core of their existence, all are good and healthy and Atman 38 �