Page:Advanced Australia.djvu/113

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drunk in Europe came from Java. And, while real coffee is originally as cheap as its substitutes, there is surely no reason why the working man or even the ordinary householder should be forced to drink nameless and pernicious abominations. In this matter, as in many others, the interests of tropical Queensland, if not altogether sacrificed to the prejudices, or principles, of the Labour Party in the new Commonwealth, will be found coincident with those of her northern neighbours in the British Empire. Upon the whole, it is not surprising that Queensland Government statisticians, in computing the wealth of the community, should take credit for their crown lands at 7s. 6d. per acre. The wealth per head of the United Kingdom is given by Mulhall at £247, and of the United States at £210. That of Queensland works out at £281: or, if the Crown assets, including land, and deducting the public debt, be distributed as per capita wealth, at the extraordinary figure of £615.

A few more data may be excused, as throwing some light on the prospects of possible emigrants from the old country. The population of Queensland was 472,000 at the last census, of whom 264,000 were males, and 86,000 children under 15. The regular defence force numbered 2000, giving a total, with volunteers and rifle clubs, of 4500, or, with all reserves, of 129,000 men liable to military service under such conditions as would obtain in England if the Ballot Act were enforced. The actual expenditure in these matters, taking into account the gunboat on the river, the contribution to the Federal squadron, and that towards the Federal battery on Thursday Island, amounts to 3s. per head. The population is as to about 52 per cent, native-born Australian (45 per cent, native-born Queenslander), 25 per cent. British, 11 per cent. Irish, and 5 per cent. Asiatic and Kanaka. Over