Page:Advanced Australia.djvu/138

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As the sheep-runs and farms are widely scattered, sometimes in the rough and remote back-country, this part of the work of inspection is no easy task. A woman Inspector of Factories also gives her assistance to the duties of the department, travelling from place to place, and particularly looking into the condition of the operative women and girls.

The duration of the hours of business in shops is limited by "The Shops and Shop- Assistants Act," and "The Shops and Shop-Assistants Act Amendment Act." These provide for the closing of all shops in towns and boroughs for one afternoon half-holiday in each week. A few shops, such as those of chemists, fruiterers, eating-house keepers, etc., are exempted from the general closing, on account of their convenience to the public; but assistants in such establishments, in the bars of hotels, and in country stores, must have a half-holiday on some day of the week. Small shops carried on by Europeans without paid assistants are also exempt from closing on the general half-holiday, but must close on one afternoon in each week. The hours of work for women and young persons are defined; sitting accommodation must be provided, and precautions as to the necessary time for meals, sanitary accommodation, etc., are enforced. The Act also enumerates the working-hours, holidays, etc., of clerks employed in banks, mercantile offices, etc.

"The Employers' Liability Act," added to and amended in 1891 and 1892, is designed to protect workmen from negligence on the part of employers, by defining under what circumstances compensation for injury or death may be recoverable. The Act covers all employments except that of domestic servants, and does not allow of any "contracting out" by agreement on the part of employer and employed. Another Act of this character has regard