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at a profit of 4½%, the best result in Australia. One of the projects of the future, the distant future no doubt, is to connect the Kalgoorlie line with the most westerly extension of the lines in the colony of South Australia. When that is done, the traveller landing at Perth will be able to travel by rail right through the continent from west to east. The capitals of all the other colonies—Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane—are already connected by rail.

The city of Perth, which a few years ago contained a population of only 9,000, has since the gold discoveries sprung up to 40,000 souls. It is situated on the Swan River, about twelve miles inland from Fremantle, and under the shelter of a bold hill, Mount Eliza, which is crowned by the public park. The view from the summit, looking across the river, which widens opposite the city into the two lakes of Perth and Melville Waters, divided by the long flat promontory of Mill Point and fed by the broad and winding stream of the Canning, is picturesque enough: but otherwise the city generally is squalid and dirty; and it cannot be said to have anything especially attractive in its sandy surroundings. It possesses, however, some handsome buildings, and some fine streets. St George's Terrace, where the Western Australian Bank and public offices are situated, is a fine avenue. Government House, where Sir Gerard Smith, the Governor, lives, is a handsome and commodious residence. The Town Hall is also a fine building, standing on a slight eminence. An electric tram service is in process of completion.

The first subject to which I naturally directed inquiry in this land of gold was the subject of gold-getting and gold output; the present position of the industry and its prospects. The eyes of gold miners in all parts of