Page:Advanced Australia.djvu/211

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Appendix J


Colony. Mean Population. Imports. Exports. Total Trade.
£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.
Queensland 478,440 11 6 11 19 0 1 30 7 0
New South Wales 1,310,550 16 11 10 18 2 6 34 14 4
Victoria 1,172,790 13 3 7 14 5 6 27 9 1
South Australia 353,518 20 3 2 19 11 11 39 15 1
Western Australia 155,749 41 4 2 25 5 11 66 10 1
Tasmania 168,916 8 1 11 10 6 6 18 8 5
New Zealand (exclusive of Maoris) 721,609 11 3 3 13 7 8 25 0 11

But the values of the exports of the Australian Colonies, more especially New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia, are largely increased by the inclusion of articles the produce or manufacture of other colonies and countries.

The value of home productions or manufactures exported from each colony in 1897, and the rate per head of mean population, were as follows:—

Colony. Home Produce exported. Per Head of Population.
Queensland £8,831,450 £18 9 2
New South Wales 17,057,543 13 0 4
Victoria 12,829,394 10 18 9
South Australia 2,484,140 7 0 6
Western Australia 3,218,569 20 13 4
Tasmania 1,721,959 10 3 11
New Zealand 9,596,267 13 6 0

The next table sets forth the amount of the trade of each of the above-named colonies with the United Kingdom in 1897:—

Colony. Imports from the United Kingdom. Exports to the united Kingdom. Total Trade with the United Kingdom.
£ £ £
Queensland 2,501,952 3,322,703 5,824,655
New South Wales 7,557,069 8,728,828 16,285,897
Victoria 6,004,798 9,559,249 15,564,047
South Australia 2,057,567 2,182,946 4,240,513
Western Australia 2,624,086 1,736,205 4,360,291
Tasmania 397,510 274,497 672,007
New Zealand 5,392,738 8,168,123 13,560,861