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Messrs. Methuen's Announcements 3

ENGLISH LYRICS. Selected and arranged by W. E. Henley. Second and cheaper Edition. Crown 8vo. 3J. 6d.

LYRA FRIVOLA. By A. D. Godley, M.A., Fellow of Mag- dalen College, Oxford. FoU 8vo. 2s. 6d. A little volume of occasional verse, chiefly academic.

Z\ic TKaorhs of Sbaftcspeare General Editor, Edward Dowden, Litt. D. Messrs. Methuen have in preparation an Edition of Shakespeare in single Plays. Each play will be edited with a full Introduction, Textual Notes, and a Commentary at the foot of the page. The first volume will be :

HAMLET. Edited by Edward Dowden. Demy Zvo. 3^. 6d.

History and Biography


Arranged and Edited with Notes by Sidney COLVIN. Demy Svo. 2 vo/s. 255. nei.

These highly important and interesting volumes contain the correspondence of Robert Louis Stevenson from his eighteenth year to almost the last day of his life, selected and edited, with notes and introductions, by Mr. Sidney Colvin, his most intimate friend. I'he letters are very various in subject and character, being addressed partly to his family and private friends, and partly to such well known living or lately deceased men of letters as Mr. Hamerton, Mr. J. A. Symonds, Mr Henry James, Mr. James Payn, Dr. Conan Doyle, Mr. J. M. Barrie, Mr. Edmund Gosse, Mr. F. Locker-Lampson, Mr. Cosmo Monkhouse, Mr. Andrew Lang, Mr. W. E. Henley, and the Editor himself. They present a vivid and brilliant autobiographical picture of the mind and character of the distinguished author. It was originally intended that a separate volume containing a full narrative and critical Life by the Editor should appear simultaneously with the letters, and form part of the work : but the publication of this has for various reasons been postponed.

THE LIFE AND LETTERS OF SIR JOHN EVERETT MILLAIS, President of the Royal Academy. By his Son, J. G. MiLLAis. With over 300 Illustrations, of which 9 are in photo- gravure. Two volumes. Royal 8vo. 325. net.

An edition limited to 350 copies will also be printed. This will contain 22 of Millais' great paintings reproduced in photogravure, with a case containing an extra set of these Photogravures pulled on India paper. The price of this edition will be £^y 4J. net.

In these two magnificent volumes is contained the authoritative biography of the most distinguished and popular painter of the last half of the century. I'hey contain the story of his extraordinary boyhood, of his early struggles and triumphs, of the founding of the Pre-Raphaelite' Brotherhood, now first given to the world in authantic detail, of the painting of most of his famous pictures, of his friendships with many of the most distinguished men of the day in art, letters, and politics, of bi» oome life, and of bis sporting tastes. There are a large