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Messrs. Methuen's Announcements ii

MAUD, AND OTHER POEMS. By ALFRED, LORD Tenny- son. Edited by Elizabeth Wordsworth.

IN MEMORIAM. By Alfred, LoKD Tennyson. Edited by H. C. Beeching, M.A.

A LITTLE BOOK OF SCOTTISH LYRICS. Arranged and Edited by T. F. Henderson.


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THE CROWN OF LIFE. By George Gissing, Author of

  • Demos,' * The Town Traveller,' etc. Crown %vo. 6$.

A NEW VOLUME OF WAR STORIES. By Stephen Crane, Author of ' The Red Badge of Courage.' Crown %vo. ds.

THE STRONG ARM. By Robert Barr. Crown Zvo. ds.

TO LONDON TOWN. By Arthur Morrison, Author of ' Tales of Mean Streets,' * A Child of the Jago,' etc. Crown ivo. 6s.

ONE HOUR AND THE NEXT. By The Duchess of Sutherland. Crown 8vo. 6s.

SIREN CITY. By Benjamin Swift, Author of * Nancy Noon.' Crown 8vo. 6s.

VENGEANCE IS MINE. By Andrew Balfour, Author of 'By Stroke of Sword.' Illustrated. Crown ivo. 6s.


Hyne, Author of 'Captain Kettle,' etc. Crown Svo. 6s.

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