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Messrs. Methuen's Catalogue

Belles Lettres, Anthologies, etc.

R. L. Stevenson, VAILIMA LET- TERS. By Robert Louis Steven- son. With an Etched Portrait by William Strang. Second Edition. Crown 8vo. Buckram, 6j.

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' Full of charm and brightness." — Spectator.

'A gift almost priceless.' — Speaker.

' Unique in Literature.' — Daily Chronicle.

G.Wyndham. THE POEMS OF WIL- LIAM SHAKESPEARE. Edited with an Introduction and Notes by George Wyndham, M.P. Demy 8vo. Buckram, gilt top. los. 6d.

This edition contains the ' Venus,' ' Lucrece,' and Sonnets, and is prefaced with an elaborate introduction of over 140 pp.

'One of the most serious contributions to Shakespearian criticism that have been published for some time.' — Times.

' We have no hesitation in describing Mr. George Wyndham's introduction as a masterly piece of criticism, and all who love our Elizabethan literature will find a very garden of delight in it. ' — Spectator.

' Mr. Wyndham's notes are admirable, even i ndispensable. ' — IVestminster Gazette.

W. E. Henley. ENGLISH LYRICS. Selected and Edited by W. E. Henley. Crown 8vo. Buckram, gilt top. 6s.

' It is a body of choice and lovely poetry. — Birmingham Gazette.

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W. B. Yeats. AN ANTHOLOGY OF IRISH VERSE. Edited by W. B. Yeats. Crown 8vo. y, 6d. ' An attractive and cathobc selection. — Times.


Foolscap 8vo. y. 6d. 'The effect is sometimes splendid, some- times bizarre, but always amazingly clever.'— Pall Mall Gazette.

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W. A- Craigie, A PRIMER OF BURNS. By W. A, Craigie. Crown 8vo. zs. 6d. ' A valuable addition to the literature of the poet.' — Times.

L. Magnus. A PRIMER OF WORDS- WORTH. By Laurie Magnus. Crown 8vo. 2s. 6d. ' A valuable contribution to Wordsworthian literature.' — Literature.

Steme, THE LIFE AND OPINIONS OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. By Lawrence Sterne. With an In- troduction by Charles Whibley, and a Portrait, 2 vols. js. ' Very dainty volumes are these : the paper, type, and light-green binding are all very agreeable to the eye.' — Globe.

Congreve, THE COMEDIES OF WILLIAM CONGREVE. With an Introduction by G. S. Street, and a Portrait. 2 vols. js.

Morier. THE ADVENTURES OF H.^JJI BABA OF ISPAHAN. By James Morier. With an Introduc- tion by E. G. Browne, M.A., and a Portrait. 2 vols, js.