Page:Adventures in Thrift (1916).djvu/101

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and stick to it till you find out where the big saving lies," said Mr. Larry.

"And, by the way, here's a letter I found under the door and forgot to give you before dinner. Of course, I'm not jealous—but I have a natural curiosity to learn what Kansas City man dares write my wife."

Mrs. Larry reached for the letter, worry vanishing before the sunny smile.

"Jimmy Graves! Give it to me instanter!"

Mr. Larry retained his grip on the letter and looked at her accusingly.

"Now, little woman, don't you try to understudy destiny. It's ticklish business to patch up a quarrel between sweethearts. Better let them work out their own salvation."

Mrs. Larry possessed herself of the envelope, patted the hand that relinquished it, and replied:

"Did you ever think, honey, how many young couples, blinded by anger, self-pity or pride, can not see the road which leads to the salvation of their happiness? Well, I just painted a sign-board, not another thing, Larry, so let's see whether Jimmy read it aright."