Page:Adventures in Thrift (1916).djvu/122

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"Here is Exhibit A—Bulletin No. 1: Duties of local directors. I want you to see how good a business woman a director must be."

She passed around a printed sheet, five by eight inches.

1. Visit wholesalers, commission men and jobbers, and ascertain wholesale prices on foodstuffs. Also get in touch with the producers as far as possible and buy directly from them.

2. Buy in large quantities, that is, in barrel and case lots, since the larger the quantity the less will be the cost.

3. Have all orders shipped to one place, preferably the home of the local director.

4. The director must own reliable scales and measures, and keep an accurate account of all goods bought and pay all bills incurred by her own center.

5. Each month the local director shall appoint a committee of three women, to whom she shall submit a record of all expenditures and receipts, together with the original bills for examination and approval.

6. Each member participating in any pur-