Page:Adventures in Thrift (1916).djvu/128

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ber, Dorlon is. Our grocer sells two pounds for what Dorlon charges for one."

"Yes, yes! But that is loose rice. The package is cleaner."

"Then don't I wash the package rice, ma'am?" persisted Lena.

"Why, of course, you do—you wash everything," answered Mrs. Larry, a bit irritably, as she drove a veil pin home. Whereupon Lena, the tactless, pursuing her own line of reasoning, remarked with a mere suggestion of triumph:

"If I gotta wash it anyhow, what's the difference whether it's clean or dirty to start with?"

Mr. Larry suddenly ducked out into the hall. The telephone bell rang sharply, and Mrs. Larry reached for her gloves:

"There are the girls now. One more kiss, dears, and then mumsie is off."

The babies watched her going with mute disapproval. Lena was all right in her way, especially during the daily outing, but mumsie was a most wonderful person and greatly to be