Page:Adventures in Thrift (1916).djvu/153

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Chapter VI
"High prices do not necessarily mean high living."

—H. C. of L. proverb no. 6.

MRS. LARRY, her chin cupped in her slim competent hand, gazed at the toe of her bronze slipper. A smile played round her lips and brightened her eyes.

Mr. Larry, leaning back in his favorite chair, studied her with the satisfaction of a man who has found matrimony a success, and is eager to blazon the fact to all the world.

"Well,—and what of to-day's adventure in thrift?" he asked.

"Oh, Larry, it ended in such a mess!" she answered, leaning forward, her hands clasped about her knees. "The day started with a perfectly wonderful trip through the Montclair Cooperative Store. Then, because we did not realize that we had taken in about all the information we could absorb at one time, we went