Page:Adventures in Thrift (1916).djvu/48

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"Because we have the two departments where it can be done. Duggan is superintendent of employees. He must reduce the force or the wages, or increase the output of his workers. This will lessen the cost of production, through better management—efficiency, we call it. I must buy to better advantage, for less money, and still give the firm the same quality of raw material to work with."

"But you can't do that, Larry. If you get cheaper material it's bound not to be so good."

"Not necessarily," said Larry, slipping on his coat. "It's up to me to study the market more closely, to find new markets, if I can. That's why I'm going to South Bethlehem—if you'll let me."

He smiled down on her, loosening the hands that clasped his arm so closely.

"Don't take it so seriously, little woman. I've been up against stiffer jobs than this, and always found a way out. Kiss the kiddies for me. If I don't get through to-morrow night, I'll wire."

The door banged behind him and Mrs. Larry shook herself impatiently. What in the world