Page:Adventures in Thrift (1916).djvu/58

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no, not "Larry," but "A little pleasure as we go along."

However, as the conversation had drifted from food values to a new play, she pulled herself together and chatted with the rest. But as she parted with her hostess a few hours later, she said:

"Teresa, give me the address of the Housewives' League."

"Going to join, honey?" asked Mrs. Moore.

"Yes,—I'm starting on an adventure—in thrift."

"I'll go with you," laughed Teresa. "Meet me at the headquarters of the Housewives' League, 25 West Forty-fifth Street, Monday morning. We're having a demonstration of meat cuts—by a butcher."

"I'll be there," replied Mrs. Larry promptly.

She did not go alone. Claire had insisted on accompanying her.

"So long as Teresa doesn't know about—about—Jimmy's going away as he did, we won't have to tell her. And—and—even if I never did marry and, of course, I wouldn't marry any one but Jimmy—I might want to