Page:Adventures in Thrift (1916).djvu/98

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Chapter IV
"A wise woman knows that economy in money isn't always real economy."

—H. C. of L. proverb no. 4.

MR. LARRY tasted the second mouthful of lemon pie and glanced at Mrs. Larry. Then he plunged into the business of finishing off its yellow and white sweetness, just as if it had been Mrs. Larry's very best brand of dessert.

"Oh, Larry dear, don't—don't eat it. It's simply fearful—and I bought it at the exchange, too. I guess she put too much corn-starch in it—or didn't cook it enough."

There was the hint of tears in her voice, and her chin quivered just enough to deepen the dimple that cleft it. Down went Mr. Larry's after-dinner coffee cup, and in two strides he was round the table, throwing his arms about her. He spoke very tenderly:

"What is the matter, dearest? Are you sick?"