Page:Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.djvu/271

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"Shucks!" says the king, very sarcastic; "but I don't know—maybe you was asleep, and didn't know what you was about."

The duke bristles right up, now, and says:

"Oh, let up on this cussed nonsense—do you take me for a blame' fool? Don't you reckon I know who hid that money in that coffin?"

"Yes, sir! I know you do know—because you done it yourself!"

"It's a lie!"—and the duke went for him. The king sings out:

one man shoving another man
"Take y'r hands off!—leggo my throat!—I take it all back!"

The duke says:

"Well, you just own up, first, that you did hide that money there, intending to give me the slip one of these days, and come back and dig it up, and have it all to yourself."

"Wait jest a minute, duke—answer me this one question, honest and fair; if you didn't put the money there, say it, and I'll b'lieve you, and take back everything I said."

"You old scoundrel, I didn't, and you know I didn't. There, now!"

"Well, then, I b'lieve you. But answer me only jest this one more—now