Page:Adventures of Rachel Cunningham.djvu/21

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was known of her; no trace of report led curiosity to her abode, marked the step of her retreat, or pointed the finger of conjecture to the quarter of then obscure existence; the chain of her notoriety, during that interval, was completely broken asunder, so that supposition had no other conclusion to form than either she must have emigrated entirely to some other country, or that death had, in more friendly haste, snatched her from a life of infamy which even then seemed her destiny, to which she appeared on the broad high road, and at the very acme foreboded of that infamy, she has through time's eventful space finally arrived.

Afterwards it was, however, discovered that during this alluded to interregnum of shameless notoriety, by which she had before been, and has been since distinguished, she had not been idle in the wiley exercise of her fascinating powers of allurement, to her own immediate advantage and generally to the ultimate ruin, both as to peace and property of all who were unfortunate enough lo be caught in her toils.

During the interval referred to above, she traversed several provinces. New Hampshire, Connecticut. Delaware, New York, Massachusets, &c. &c. in all of which, more or less, many of before-happy families, through her syren influence, were reduced to a slate of domestic misery, and not a few were drained of the very last means of commonly decent support: thus and so destructive was the witchery of her presence wherever she had been, that to detail all the minute circumstances of her intrigues and their effects, as they occurred through and in that short interim of scarcely three years, would, in particulars, All volumes in lieu of pages,—

That would a tale unfold, which through the ear,
In telling as the deadly nightshade baneful.
Upon the heart to tender love attuned
A poison shed would be.—death to affection,
And change the kind and freely flowing stream
Of love, to hate of beauty's charms.

Next, pursuing the same course and in the full exercise of her alluring arts, Rachel Cunningham appeared in Franklin, County Pa. where she ensnared the affections of a Mr L——