Page:Adventures of Roderick Random.pdf/67

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( 67 )

Our conductors finding things in this situation, perceived it was high time to relinquish our conquests; which we did, after having rendered their artillery useless, and blown up their walls. Just as we sailed from Bocca Chica, in our return to Jamaica, I found myself threatened with the symptoms of this terrible distemper; and knowing very well that I stood no chance for my life, if I should be obliged to lie in the cockpit, I prevailed upon the soldiers (whose good-will I had acquired) to admit my hammock among them; and actually congratulated myself, upon my comfortable situation. I was immediately conducted to the place; notwithstanding my malady gained ground, and at length my life was despaired of. I began to see strange chimeras, and concluded myself on the point of becoming delirious: but before that happened, I was in great danger of suffocation, upon which I started up in a kind of frantic fit, and would have plunged myself into the sea, had I not perceived a moisture upon my thighs, as I endeavoured to get out of my hammock. This appearance revived my hopes. I took the advantage of the favourable symptom, and removing my shirt and sheets from the bed, wrapped myself in a thick blanket, which, in a quarter of an hour, flung me into a profuse sweat; and in less than two hours I was relieved from all my complaints, except that of weak-
