Page:Adventures of the extravagant wit, or, The English swindler.pdf/17

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out their beads they only tie a ſmall piece of linen, ut about their bodies nothing but a little cloth, hich covers their ſecrets. Notwithſtanding their ruelty and inhumanity, we manned out our long- oat, and fifteen, whereof I was one, went aſhore, arrying ſome muſquets and ſwords with us, ſuſpecing the worſt: landing, they fled from us, but not without ſending good ſtore of poiſoned arrows and arts among us. We returned to our ſhip, finding no way ſafe to ſtay here longer. Next morning oiſting ſail, we came to Canavar, where we met with people more civil, whereupon we landed; and eceiving things from the inhabitants of conſiderable value, for toys and trifles we gave them in lieu, e reſolved to ſtay here a while. The poor ſort of reſe people have nothing but a ſmall veil over their privates, wholly naked elſewhere, which veil or ap the women in courteſy will turn aſide, and thew man their pudenda, by way of gratitude for any avour received. They have a ſtrange cuſtom in their marriages, obſerved among them by the igheſt to the loweſt: whoſe marrieth, is not to ave the first night's embraces with his bride, but very well contented to beſtow her maidenhead on he Bramini or Prieſt, who do not always enjoy it, eing glutted with ſuch frequent offerings, and herefore will-many tires fell then to ſtrngers. uch a proffer I had once made me, and with ſhame muſt confeſs I did accept it, forgetting thoſe vows made in Newgate, to live a more pious, ſtrict, and ber life The bride that night was placed in one f their Fanes, as it is cuſtomary, the Prieſt or Bra- in coming to her ; but inſtead thereof, according agreement between the Prieſt and me, I went: wondered to find her fo low of ſtature, but I did ot much matter it then, minding ſomething elſe; hich having performed, I departed. The next orning I had a great deſire to ſee her, but was