Page:Advice to the Indian Aristocracy.djvu/155

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would be pardoned that sin by the mercy of God obtained by his offering certain prayers to the Almighty. The ultimate results expected according to the beliefs of Hindus and Christians are nearly the same. But Hindus and Mahommedans also believe that all ordinary charity, that is, charity other than Krura Danams, makes the giver free from sin and sickness, although it does not injure the receiver as Krura Danam does, Krura Danams are gifts prescribed to be given in certain special cases of sickness, calamity, and so forth. If our prayers can obtain mercy from God, and thereby relief from something painful, why should not money given in charity accompanied by prayers and spent with that motive fulfil the same object?

Now let me say a little as regards charity that is bestowed in expectation of no return, but that is given as a matter of duty. It is the duty of a rich man to provide meals