Page:Advice to the Indian Aristocracy.djvu/160

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When the baby is about three, or at most before six, months old, have it vaccinated, and repeat the operation every seven years. It is also said by doctors that it is a good thing for a grown-up person to be vaccinated once in every six or seven years.

When a child grows big enough to play about, let it play as much as it likes, supply it with necessary toys and play-things suitable to the age of the child, and allow the child to have fresh air both morning and evening.

In the fifth year, according to Hindu custom, get a native teacher and let the child be taught alphabet in the shape of play. Be careful to see that the child is not in the least pressed to learn in that year nor in the year following.

It is the usual practice, in our Zenanas especially, to tell certain tales to children, when they go to sleep. These tales,