Page:Advice to the Indian Aristocracy.djvu/169

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little more. Give him something more, if he passes well in the monthly examination. Gradually increase the weekly pocket-money and make it a monthly allowance starting from ten rupees. Then gradually increase the allowance according to the age of the boy and the status of the Zamindary. Between the years, say, the fourteenth and the eighteenth, make him keep a regular account of what he spends and let it be open to his tutor's inspection. After he is married, you had better not ask him for an account of his pocket-money, but watch him to a certain extent, so that he may not get into the habit of spending more than his income. We should train our boys in somewhat like the above said manner, till the end of the twenty-first year. The most important period in the life of a boy, when we should take much care of him, is from the beginning of the thirteenth to the end of the eighteenth