Page:Advice to the Indian Aristocracy.djvu/176

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Turning to my lecture, if you are rich enough, make some provision for your wife by assigning to her, by will or gift, a decent amount of money. But never give her full command over it; she would otherwise spend it in no time. Invest that money in Government paper or in a trustworthy bank and give her the right to enjoy the interest of that amount for her lifetime. You must always have forethought for her future. Though she would get an allowance from the estate if she survives you, she should yet have some money of her own.

You had better also make similar provision on a smaller scale for your married daughter. As for 9 girl's training, I have already told you in my previous lecture how this should be done. You must treat your daughter-in-law and your younger brother's wife just like your daughter. Provide them with jewels and