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but in few peoples practice. How circumſpect we ought to be in the right management of our time for God never gives us two moments together; he gives us only the ſecond as he takes away the firſt and keeps the third in his hands, leaving us in an abſolute uncertainty, whether he will give it us, or not Time is precious, life is ſhort; and conſequently not a ſingle moment ſhould be loſt.

Archbiſhop Leighton was a moſt exemplary character. Biſhop Barnes ſays he had the greateſt elevation of ſoul, the largeſt compaſs of knowledge, the moſt mortified and heavenly diſpotition that I ever yet ſaw in mortals. He had the greateſt parts, as well as virtue, with the moſt perfect humility, that I ever ſaw in man; and had a ſublime ſtrain in preaching with ſo grave a geſture, and ſuch a majeſty both of thought of language and pronunciation, that I not yet once ſaw a wandering eye where he preached; and I have ſeen whole aſſemblies often melt in tears before him: and of whom I can lay with great truth that in a free & frequent converſation with him for two & twenty years, I never know him ſay an idle word, or a word that had not a direct tendency to edification; and I never once ſaw