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neſs; but he does the beſt he can, and ſo gets through.

I feel like a man who has no money in his pocket, but is allowed to draw for all he wants upon one infinitely rich; I am therefore, at once both a beggar and a rich man.

Luther being one time in ſome wants, it happened that a good ſum of money was unexpectedly ſent him by a nobleman of Germany, at which being ſomething amazed he ſaid, I fear that God will give me my reward here, but I proteſt I will not be ſo ſatisfied.

It is a precious truth, never to be forgotten that Duties are eſteemed not by their sets, but by their ends. The end moves to doing, keep thyſelf within compaſs, and have an eye always to the end of thy life and actions. The more I have been among vain men I returned home leſs a man than I was before.

Mr Greenham, when called before the Biſhop of Ely to be queſtioned concerning his non conformity, he gave a noble proof of his prudence and boldneſs. The Biſhop repreſenting unto him the great ſchiſm that reigned in the church, aſked, Where the blame was to be caſt? whither upon thoſe who conformed to the church of England,