Page:Aelfric's Lives of Saints Vol 1.djvu/163

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' Thou, our Saviour Christ, who didst promise unto Thy disciples,

"Verily I say unto you, whatsoever ye shall ask

shall certainly be granted you on this (condition),

that ye believe that ye receive the gifts,"

show forth now in us, Almighty Lord,

that we are Thy servants, though we are sinful,

and we will keep the same faith with (true) love.'

After these words he said to the diseased,

'In the name of the Holy Trinity, be thou whole, boy,

and stand on thy feet sound before us,

assisted also by my master's merits.'

Then arose the boy, and walked upright,

and with blithe voice blessed his Lord,

who had healed him through the holy man.

Then, after Saint Benedict had come home to the monastery,

(and the woman had become sane, whom he had delivered from madness,)

he did honour to Maurus for the glorious miracle

which he in the meanwhile had wrought, when he [Benedict] was far off.

Maurus was moreover oftenest about the blessed Benedict,

and knew his miracles, and -worked miracles with him;

some of these we will tell here, some we will pass over;

and he was the principal monk next to the great Benedict,

and governed the monastery as Benedict shewed him.

At that time a certain blessed bishop from the kingdom of the Franks sent to the holy patriarch

manifold presents, and besought him much,

to send him, if it seemed well to him,

some pious monks who should found monasteries for him,

because he desired to establish in his bishopric

the monastic rule according to Benedict's design.

Then Benedict, by his brethren's counsel,

as God revealed to them, sent Maurus