Page:Aelfric's Lives of Saints Vol 1.djvu/177

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It befell thereafter, that the blessed Florus

departed from the world, full of glory, to Christ,

in the thirteenth year after he became a monk.

Also a certain archdeacon came once upon a time

to Maurus, and then they had no wine,

except in one large-sized bottle.

Then Maurus blithely blessed the wine,

and said, that God could increase the drink,

He who of old in the wilderness drew out water

from the hard stone-cliff, and sent from Heaven

food for his people for forty years.

Then verily they drank of that wine, full seventy men,

and the bottle was ever after brimful of wine.

Again Maurus found a man

who was evilly stricken, and a cancer was eating him,

and his lips were rendered loathsome thereby,

and likewise his nose destroyed by the poison;

then Maurus blessed the man from afar,

and he instantly was wondrously healed.

After that Maurus would not journey from the monastery,

for any need, unless he were obliged,

because he knew what had been foretold him

by Saint Benedict, when he had left him,

that he should depart from this world to God

in the fourteenth year after he had gone from him;

and dwelt there apart, and set over the brothers

another abbot, by the counsel of them all,

that same Florus' son, of whom we have before spoken.

He was then very much busied with his prayers

in St. Martin's church, with his two monks,

for two years and a half with all fervour,

and, with holy desire, besought God's mercy.

Then on a certain night he saw the devil,

when he was about to go into God's church.

The fiend had with him many other devils,