Page:Aelfric's Lives of Saints Vol 1.djvu/205

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find me now a successor, that I may serve God

in true religion, as I vowed to the Almighty.'

Then the emperor embraced the soldier of God,

and told him how his daughters were serving the Lord,

and his two sisters likewise believed afterward.

Then went they into the hall, and the holy Helena came

with the aforesaid maidens, greatly rejoicing;

they continued in virginity, leading glorious lives,

until they departed from the world to Christ.

Then Gallicanus freed five thousand men,

and endowed them with goods, and distributed to the poor

his manifold riches, and turned him thence

to a certain holy man called Hilarion,

with some of his men who would not leave him.

Four estates he gave up entirely, together with himself,

for the reception of strangers and for alms-deeds.

Then his fame spread widely throughout the land,

how the great man washed men's feet,

and carried water for their hands, and served them with food.

Then he grew so holy that he healed the impotent,

and as soon as he looked on the possessed,

they were at once cleansed from the unclean spirits.

Afterward when Julian, the infamous apostate,

was chosen emperor, though he had been shorn for the priesthood,

he proclaimed an edict, being full of wickedness,

that the Christians should own nothing in the world.

Then he banished Gallicanus the man of God;

and he went to Alexandria, the Egyptian city,

going afterward to the desert, and was there an anchorite;

until a certain heathen slew him there,

because he would not sacrifice to the foul gods,

and so he departed victoriously to Christ.

After that Julian, the same apostate, desired to turn