Page:Aelfric's Lives of Saints Vol 1.djvu/209

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cruelly governed the province under the Emperor.

He was a greedy miser, and subject to his lusts,

the devil's slave, despising God.

Then it came to his ears concerning Agatha's conduct,

and he sought how he might get the maiden for himself.

He commanded her to be fetched, and delivered her to a foul woman,

called Aphrodosia, shameful in morals,

who had nine daughters, naughty and vile,

that she (Agatha) might learn during thirty nights [a month] her (Aphrodosia's) evil ways,

and might be perverted in mind by the enticements of harlots.

So then Aphrodosia, that wickedest woman,

with her nine daughters, vexed Agatha,

sometimes flattering, sometimes terrifying,

thinking that she might pervert her mind.

Then said Agatha to the wicked team,

' Your words are like wind,

but they cannot defile my steadfast will,

which is grounded immutably;'

this she said with weeping, and desired to suffer

the deadly tortures for Christ's name,

even as a thirsty man in the sun's heat

desireth well-springs, or the cooling of water.

Then Aphrodosia saw that she could not bend

the woman's mind by her shameful persuasions,

and went to Quintianus, and spake to him thus; ^

'Stones may soften, and hard iron

become like lead, or ever the faith

in Agatha's breast can be extinguished,

I and my daughters day and night

have done nothing else but continually persuade her

to consent to thee, but we have had little speed;

I promised her gems and golden apparel,

and other honours and a great house,