Page:Aelfric's Lives of Saints Vol 1.djvu/323

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to the unconquered Apollo, he who may verily

have pity on thy ignorance, and turn thee to his homage.'

George then interrogated the fiendlike emperor ;

' Which is to be loved, or to whom is sacrifice to be offered,

to Jesus Christ, the redeemer of all worlds,

or to Apollo, chief of all devils '

Thereupon Datian, with devilish anger,

commanded the holy man to be hung up on a gibbet,

and his limbs to be torn with iron claws,

and torches to be kindled on both sides of him;

after that, he commanded him to be led out of the city,

and to be tortured with scourges, and rubbed with salt;

but the holy man remained unhurt.

Then the emperor ordered him to be put in prison,

and bade enquire everywhere for some noted sorcerer.

Then Athanasius the sorcerer heard of the matter,

and came to the emperor, and asked him boldly,

'Why badest thou fetch me thus suddenly to thee?'

Datian answered Athanasius thus,

'Canst thou extinguish the Christian's sorcery?'

Then the sorcerer answered Datian thus.

'Bid the Christian man come to me,

and may I be guilty if I cannot

totally extinguish his magic by my sorcery.'

Then rejoiced Datian that he had found such a sorcerer,

and bade bring God's champion out of prison,

and said to the saint, with fierce anger,

' For thee, George, I have procured this magician;

overcome his magic, or let him overcome thee,

either let him undo thee, or do thou undo him.'

George then looked upon the heathen magician,

and said that he perceived Christ's grace in him.