Page:Aelfric's Lives of Saints Vol 1.djvu/375

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then may we thus overcome idleness,

because it is a prolonged disgrace, if our life be useless here.

The seventh Virtue is true Love to God,

that we in good works seek after God's love;

not Vainglory, which is hateful to Him,

but let us do alms, even as He taught us,

for the praise of God, not for our own glory,

that God may be magnified in our good works,

and Vainglory may ever be worthless to us.

The eighth Virtue is true Humility,

both towards God and towards man with simplicity of mind;

for he who is wise will never be proud.

Wherein may a man pride himself, though he wish it?

He may not in his rank, because many are more distinguished [than he];

nor may he in his possessions, because he knoweth not his last day;

nor in anything can he pride himself, if he be wise.

Now ye have heard how these holy Virtues

overcome those Sins which the devil soweth in us;

and if we will not overcome them, they will sink us to hell.

We can, by God's assistance, conquer those fiendish sins

by fighting, if we fight bravely;

and have for ourselves, at the end, the eternal glory

ever with God Himself, if we now labour here,

unto His glory who eternally reigneth, the Everlasting Lord;

to whom be glory and praise, who ever liveth,

the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost in eternity. Amen.